Thursday, May 17, 2012

Follow Friday #3

This weekly meme is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Basically, it's a great way to meet and follow other bloggers.

This week's question is:
What would be the perfect vacation spot for you to catch up on your reading & relax?
Hmm, I think if I could go anywhere I'd like to go to a beach, specifically in Hawaii! Everything is just so calm and peaceful there, and I'd like to just lay on the sand and read while listening to the waves in the background. 

Something like this would be perfect!

Remember to tell me if you've followed me and I'll return the favor! Don't forget to link me to your own FF! :)


  1. Happy Friday! :D

    Great answer! That definitely sounds like a great place to read a good book and relax. Love your beach picture :)

    NEW follower! :D

    Stop by my blog sometime! :)

  2. I never considered beaches to be particularely peaceful, but then.. the last time I was there.. I was around 4 years old. XD

    New follower!

    Patricia // My Hop

  3. Oh, Hawaii would be WONDERFUL. What's not to like about that?

    Great choice!

  4. Hi & Happy Friday!

    It looks so perfect..

    My FF,

    Have a great weekend, Sharon

  5. Hopping through. That photo seems like such a dream. I'd love to find that place.
    My Hop

  6. A lot of people seem to want to be by the water.. The sound of it is so relaxing :)

    Hopping over from Realms of an Open Mind :)

    Happy Reading :)

  7. The water looks so nice! Everyone seems to love reading on the beach. I must give it another go this year xD

    - Kim (new follower)
    My Hop

  8. Hawaii is a popular pick, I've seen it a couple of times now and I even choose it myself! Listening to the waves, burning sun in the sky, soft breeze, ahhh *dreaming*

    New follower!

  9. The picture looks great.

  10. Great answer. That beach looks lovely. New follower.

    My FF

  11. What a beautiful beach, great answer!

    New Follower

    My FF

  12. Looks like the perfect vacation(: The beach sounds like an amazing place to read.
    New follower via GFC.

    -Raechel @ Backwood Reviews
    My FF


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